11 December 2012

Photography On Location

the final project

Well, I'm finally done.  Not including the picture taking, scanning and post processing of each photograph, creating the book on Blurb took a total of about 15 hrs over the last three days.  I edited, re-edited and re-edited, and now I am pretty happy with what I have.  

Here is the link for your viewing pleasure.  Comments welcome!

You Don't See Me! -by Thomas Preston

Sorry, I cannot get the llink to work.  I tried everything!


18 November 2012

Frick @ Night
painting with light ...

Wednesday, 14. November, 2012

Of the 20 + long exposures I took, these are the ones worth something.  It was freezing.  After two hours, I couldn't take it anymore ...

same scene, but top one painted with light

a difference in walking speed

Look closely.  One can see the stars ...

Reena composing a shot!

Pumphouse Photo Exhibit 2012
by the Photography On Location fall class from PFM

Friday, the 16. November, 2012

Here are some scenes from the photo exhibit that Ivette Spradlin assisted us in sponsoring.  We had a nice little turn out.  And thanx to the owner of the PumpHouse for allowing us this opportunity.

05 November 2012

Final Project Ideas
Kids In My Class

Here are the type of pix I'm thinking of using for my final project ...

Just some ideas i'm considering.  Any comments, suggestions?

22 October 2012

The Trundle Manor Shoot

Trundle Manor

A place of oddities ...

Last Wednesday night, we had the pleasurable opportunity to visit the Trundle Manor home.  Outside of the house was weird enough, as you can see ...

09 October 2012

Proposal for Final Project
Photography on Location
By Thos Preston

            I would like to use portraiture in my final project.  Students on Location could perhaps be one idea for a title.  Not sure.  I got this idea from Ivette, our teacher, who made some interesting suggestions on how I could accomplish this, as well as links and examples from other photographers. 

The main one she suggested is Dawoud Bey: Class Pictures.  I am extremely inspired by him and have read his book from cover to cover.   He takes photographs of students in a school setting, just like I’ve been doing for over twenty or more years; i.e. individual portraits with the subjects not smiling at all.  Just looking normal, exactly the way I like to take pictures.  I’ve only become aware of Dawoud in the last year.

Interestingly enough, I was looking through the photography articles on FLIP, an app for news, and discovered another photographer, Julian Germain.  His book is titled Classroom Portraits, where he photographs an entire classroom of students all together in various countries.  I ordered the book immediately, and it should be here by tomorrow.

I personally used Piccaboo to publish a book of student portraits about a year ago.  It shows my style of the connection I have with my students.  As mentioned before, I don’t like smiley pictures, just that normal expression on the subject’s face.  I titled it “Don’t Say Cheese”, which now seems a bit corny.   But the pictures express what I mean.

How will I go about doing this project?  Well, there’s a lot to think about.  Since I teach almost every period of the day, it will be very difficult to set up posed photographs, which I am much better at than candid, on the spot exposures, especially with low natural light sources.  I must somehow connect the subjects to the location (school building) that they are in, in order to show how these two entities are connected.  Usually I am good at taking photos when students are doing independent work, such as labs and manipulating materials, but posed portraits cannot be done while I’m teaching.

If I do decide to include posed portraits, I will have to probably have to do it during the times the kids are at recess.  On the other hand, taking pictures of the location, Carmalt School, will be easy.  They can be done anytime; but the question is, what about the school should I photograph?  Should a subject be included in each shot of the structure?
Another possible title might be, “A Serious Moment in the Life of a Student”, a title I’ve wanted to use for years for a picture book portfolio.  But that depends on the type of photos I end up taking.  I really do not know at this time.

Below is an example of one of Dawoud Bey’s photos, and then an older example of one of my photos that is similar in nature.  Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.  Tschüss!

photograph by Dawoud Bey

photograph by me

Carrie Furnace: the chosen ones

09. Oktober, 2012

Here are the eight (8) photos I have chosen to print from our two excursions; some have been re-edited and tweaked based on comments.  Thanx for the suggestions ...